Opbevaringstilstand: Opbevares Frosset Under -18℃ Eller Koldere Indtil Det Bedste Før. Må Ikke Genfryses Efter Optøning
Storage Condition: Keep Frozen Under -18℃ Or Colder Until The Best Before. Do Not Refreeze After defrosting
Importør Importer: Yokoso A S
Lyongade 21,2300 København S,DK
Næringsfakta Nutrition Facts:
Ernæringsfakta pr Nutrition Facts per
Kalorier Calories
810kJ 193Kcal
Total Fedt Total Fat
Heraf Mættede Fedtsyrer Of Which Saturated Fatty Acids
Samlet Kulhydrat Total Carbohydrate
Heraf Sukker Of Which Sugar
Protein Protein
Salt Salt
If you re looking for a little extra luck in your life, you might try this vegetable Tofu Lucky Bag. It’s made with kelp,vermicelli, shiitake mushroom, onion, white radish and carrot, but has the great taste and juicy bite of a meatball-making it perfect for everyone who wants to cut down on meat without losing out on the experience.
1.Place vegetable tofu lucky bag in the broth to cook. The broth should be kept at a rolling boil, and frozen meat balls should be cooked for at least 10 mins. until they are tender.
2.Use a slotted spoon or chopsticks to remove themfrom the broth and dip them in a sauce before eating.
1.Set up a steamer over a pan of simmering water.
2.Place the vegetable tofu lucky bagon a heatproof plate or other surface that can fit into the steamer, then steam over a high heat for 10 minutes.